Upcoming Green Teacher Webinars on Climate Change Education

The Importance of Place in Climate Change Education

Thursday, April 25, 2013
7:30 – 8:30 p.m. 
Eastern Time (EDT)
Presenter: Kristen Iverson Poppleton

Place is an important tool when teaching climate change, and connecting the two makes the climate change immediately relevant and personal. Kristen will speak broadly on place-based education and climate change.  She will provide specific examples of how the Will Steger Foundation connects Minnesota educators and their students with Minnesota as their place, makes them aware of how climate change is impacting them, and helps them develop ways they can implement solutions in their schools and communities. 


For free registration for this or other upcoming webinars, visit  http://greenteacher.com/webinars.html.



(This will be our third climate change webinar for youth educators.   The archived version of the following two previous ones remain VERY popular with Green Teacher subscribers:


Deep Climate Change Education: Learning and Teaching for Personal and Social Transformation”  
Presenters: David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa   
Suitability: All formal and non-formal youth educators


“Energy Education: How & Why?”
Presenter: Pat Higby     
Suitability: Formal and non-formal educators, grades 2-12


(You can learn more about both of these webinars on our website via the above link.)


Related posts:

  1. Upcoming CAMEL Webinars
  2. Upcoming Webinars on Climate Change Teaching
  3. Climate Change Continuing Education Program for Faculty: CAMEL
  4. Climate Change Education Resources
  5. Launch of UN Alliance on Climate Education

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