Scholarship for M.Sc. Climate Change

Full scholarship for MSc in Climate Change and Development at University of Sussex/Institute for Development Studies, UK

A full scholarship (fees plus maintenance and travel) funded through the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship scheme is available for applicants to the MSc in Climate Change and Development programme for entry October 2011.

Note: Potential applicants must undertake the following process in the order stated.

1.       Check their eligibility for the award (see criteria below)

2.       Submit an application for the MSc in Climate Change and Development using the online application facility at

3.       Only after applicants have received an offer of a place on the course should they request an application form for the scholarship, be contacting . The deadline for applications for the scholarship is 1st May 2011.


Scholarship Criteria

Applicants must

(i)       be nationals of (or permanently domiciled in) a Commonwealth developing country, and not currently be living or studying in a developed country (please see the booklet for a list of eligible countries)

(ii)      hold a first degree at either first or upper second class level;

(iii)      be sufficiently fluent in English to pursue the course

(iv)     have not previously studied for one year or more in a developed country

(v)      not be employed by a government department (for this purpose the Commission counts this as being employed by a Government Ministry).

(vi)     be able to confirm in writing that neither they or their families would otherwise be able to pay for the proposed course of study

(vii)     be willing to confirm that they will return to their home country as soon as their period of study is complete



Further information


(i)       MSc in Climate Change and Development


This is unique course that aims to provide state-of-the-art training for the rapidly expanding market for development professionals with specialisation in climate change.  The programme is strongly multidisciplinary and students will acquire specialist knowledge of the causes of climate change, the implications for developing countries, and the policy and practice of efforts to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate. Courses are taught by leading researchers in these fields from the world renowned Institute for Development Studies (IDS), the Geography Department and Science and Technology Policy Research Unit (SPRU).




Tel: +44 (0)1273 877686



(ii)      Commonwealth Shared Scholarship


For full details of the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship scheme see



Upcoming Climate & Energy Webinar

Please register now and join us March 11 for our Climate & Energy Webinar:

Engaging Students and Addressing Critical Thinking Skills via the Nuclear Debate – James D. Myers, University of Wyoming

Time - 10:00 am Pacific | 11:00 am Mountain | 12:00 pm Central | 1:00 pm Eastern

Duration - 1 hour. The presentation will be 45 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of discussion.

Format - Online web presentation via phone and Elluminate web conference software with questions and answers following.

Webinar goal – Assist educators in understanding various elements of the nuclear energy debate, including the challenges of waste and proliferation, and developing strategies for how to present them in classroom learning.

Registration - There is no registration fee, but registration is required to save a space (and because space is limited to 20, be sure you can commit before registering). Registration closes when the spaces fill or one week before each event, whichever comes first.

Nuclear power supplies approximately 16% of the world’s electricity and is the only electrical generation technology that can supply baseload power and has an extremely low carbon footprint. Outside the U.S., particularly in Asia, next generation nuclear reactors are being constructed to meet growing electricity demand. Yet in the U.S., nuclear power is still a technology many fear, despite a safety record better than fossil fuels and calls by some green groups to use nuclear power to reduce carbon emissions. This Webinar will provide an overview of nuclear power, including its historical development, relevant nuclear physics, reactor design, and enrichment technologies. It will discuss the challenges of waste and proliferation with a view to the current world situation with regards to nuclear power.

Dr. Myers is a professor in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Wyoming and the Director of the Wyoming CCS Technology Institute. His background is in igneous petrology and geochemistry. In recent years, Myers’ research has focused on geoscience education, particularly with respect to energy, resources and sustainability, and geological carbon sequestration. He has taught an upper division, non-majors energy course for the last six years.

We hope you will join us.

In addition, we have a record online of the two successful events we held in February, and we encourage all of you who wanted to attend, but couldn’t, to visit the website and join the follow-up discussion and conversation on our discussion page.
February 11 Book club: The Great Ocean Conveyor: Discovering the Trigger for Abrupt Climate Change, by Wallace Broecker
Web page:
February 18 Webinar: A Climate Modeling Tutorial – by Cindy Shellito, University of Northern Colorado
Web page:
Discussion page:

Blended Distance Learning Course on Science/Policy CC

Dear colleagues,

Responding to increasing concerns over climate change, The Energy and Resources Institute (, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (, and World Bank Tokyo Development Learning Center ( have jointly developed an eight-week blended distance learning program on “Science and Policy of Climate Change”. This will be conducted for Asia-Pacific region from 8 April to 8 June 2011.

The program targets graduate students, development practitioners, policy makers, corporates, and mid-level professionals in the Asia Pacific region, interested in the following topics:

Program Content

Module 1: Science of climate change

Module 2: Impacts of climate change

Module 3: Coping with climate change

Module 4: Action and political economy

What will be the Learning Outcomes?

After completion of the program, the participants will be able to:

* Develop a holistic understanding of the climate-change problem, which can potentially affect all dimensions of life (business, society, environment, etc);

* Acquire technical skills required to address problems with respect to the varied dimensions of climate change;

* Identify, create, and reflect upon ‘integrated approaches’ and appropriate interventions that may lead to taking necessary action and coping with climate change; and

* Put theory into practice by

– Applying science into policy making;

– Exploring the risks and opportunities for business;

– Formulating sound strategies for adaptation and mitigation; and

– Understanding interface between development and climate change.

How will you you learn?

The e-learning course applies a unique blended approach combining the below methods to enhance your learning:

* Videoconference lectures by international experts from TERI, IGES, and other institutions. Six 2-hour videoconference sessions will be conducted at local GDLN Centers including introductory and concluding sessions. Videoconference sessions will feature the theme topics in the module, and will be webcast live for those unable to attend at the country venues.

* Self-paced study: video recorded lectures, academic article and other handout materials & resources will be available for viewing on the program website for self-paced study.

* Assignments, tutoring, and e-discussion provided on-line to communicate with experts and other participants.

* Certification by the organizers upon successful completion of the program.

Registering couldn’t be easier…

Please visit and register at: Registration closes latest by 31 March 2011

We look forward to your participation in this program!

Best regards,

Vinod Bhargava

The Energy and Resources Institute

Core 6C, India Habitat Centre,

Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003


Mobile: +91 98110 09263


U.S. Climate Litigation Article

Dear Colleagues: Some of you may recall that about a year ago we posted (and later published in ELI’s ELR) a short description and analysis of an empirical study we conducted of climate change litigation. In a new article for law journal publication, we have extended the study to include all cases filed in 2010 and updated the status of all other litigation matters in the study, and we have greatly expanded the empirical, analytical, and normative scope of the discussion. There are now 201 active and resolved litigation matters in the study coded for status and characteristics through Dec. 31, 2010. You can find the article here: We would welcome your comments on the study, as well as suggestions for what other empirical questions we could tease out of the data that might be of interest. Although we submitted the manuscript to journals this week, we undoubtedly will have plenty of time to keep refining it. We are also putting the database into a user-friendly format for posting on a public URL and will let anyone interested know when we’ve done so. Thanks for any comments, and all the best, J.B. Ruhl & Dave Markell

New analysis of Cancun by Climatico

The think tank Climatico has published an excellent new briefing of the agreements reached at COP16/CMP6 in Cancun. Beyond providing a very good summary of the elements of the agreements reached at the meeting, the analysis has the following take-aways

1.     The AWG-LCA agreement’s provisions on REDD+ adopts many of the safeguards proposed by Bolivia, resulted in increased emphasis on protection of biodiversity and the rights of indigenous peoples;

a.     The REDD agreement should spur bilateral and multilateral projects in this context, e.g. Norway/Indonesia and California/Acre

b.     In the following year, there is likely to be a fierce battle about whether a REDD+ program should include a market-based mechanism;

2.     The AWG-LCA has been extended for one year. It will continue to discuss the issue of the legal form of an agreement. There are several potential options: 1. a legally-binding agreement that complements the Kyoto Protocol; 2. a replacement to the Kyoto Protocol; or 3. Party cooperation in compliance with COP decisions outside the form of a new treaty.

a.     The AWG-KP negotiations also continue, though there is concern among some countries that the second commitment period will feature a more flexible and voluntary system;

3.     While the ambition of Annex I and non-Annex I States needs to be increased to meet the 2C target, Cancun evinced a level of cooperation that provides hope for the negotiation of a long-term framework to address climate change.

E-learning course on climate change law

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to draw your attention to our E-Learning course on “Legal Preparedness for Climate Change”, ( from May 9 to June 3, 2011.

The course will be conducted online for four weeks and would be highly beneficial for climate change, natural resources and energy, finance and environment specialists from developing countries, countries in economic transition and countries emerging from armed conflict working in the field of supervision and execution of development projects; lawyers and legal advisors who assist in the area of climate change, natural resources and energy, finance and environmental policy; Ministry and local government level climate change officers; Finance Officials from the Ministry of Finance and officials from National Authorities or UNFCCC National Contact Points.

Kindly find attached a course description for further information. Registration for the course is online using the following link: Applications to attend the course should be supported by the candidate’s curriculum vitae. The course fee of Euro 350.00 should be paid by 22nd April, 2011 at the latest. The course is self-sustaining and the fee cannot be waived.  Currently, IDLO does not have scholarships or sponsorships to offer.

Ms. Joanne Fletcher is at your disposal for any further information you may require:

Tel:  (+39 06) 40403 265

Fax: (+39 06) 40403 232


With best regards,

Prof Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, MEM (Yale) BCL & LLB (McGill) BA Hons

Chef, Programme de Droit du développement durable et de l’environnement Organisation internationale de Droit du développement Viale Vaticano, 106, 00165 Roma, Italia /

+39 345 917 4983 (IDLO mobile) / +44 7748 105 570 (UK mobile)

Director, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) Affiliated Fellow, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (LCIL), Cambridge University Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Chile

Ahmed Shehata

E-learning Training Assistant

International Development Law Organization, Viale Vaticano, 106; 00165 Rome, Italy

Tel:  +39 06 40403313

Fax: +39 06 40403232


Website: <>

Post-Cancun Analyses

Here’s a very good collection of analyses of COP 16, posted originally on the Global Environmental Politics listserve.

Triple Crisis Blog: (
Spotlight:Cancún includes post-mortem analysis by:

Spotlight Cancún also features contributions by:

  • Elizabeth A. Stanton, Senior Economist at the Stockholm Environment Institute;
  • Aaron Leopold, Director of the Environment and Sustainable Development section at the Global Governance Institute;
  • Pablo Suarez, Visiting Fellow at Boston University’s Frederic S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-range Future and a researcher for the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA);
  • Kristen A. Sheeran, Executive Director of Economics for Equity and the Environment Network;
  • Janot Mendler de Suarez, Working Group Leader for the Global Oceans Forum Working Group on Oceans, Climate & Security;
  • Nathan Russell, Senior Communications Officer, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Fund (CGIAR);
  • Alan AtKisson, CEO and founder of the AtKisson Group;
  • Graciela Chichilnisky, Professor of Economics and Mathematical Statistics at Columbia University;
  • Eban Goodstein, Director of Bard Center for Environmental Policy;
  • Adil Najam, Director, Boston University’s Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future
  • Kevin Gallagher and Frank Ackerman, Senior Researcher and Senior Research Fellow at Global Development and Environment Institute;
  • Miquel Muñoz, Postdoctoral Fellow at Boston University’s Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.

IISD RS – International Institute for Sustainable Development – Reporting Services

Pew Center on Global Climate Change:

Additional Pew Center reports and policy briefs released in Cancún include:

Harvard Project on Climate Agreements


The Climate Group



Worldwatch Institute

ICTSD – International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development

Penn State

Institue of Green Economy

Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Climate Strategies

CISDL – Centre for International Sustainable Development Law

Other released in Cancún:

Energy Business Reports

Climate Change TV (


Ph.D. Workshop on International Climate Policy

22nd Ph.D. Workshop on

International Climate Policy

Organised by:

Ecofys Germany GmbH

Am Wassermann 36

50829 Cologne – Germany

April 28-29, 2011

Call for Papers

The 22nd Ph.D. Workshop on International Climate Policy (ICP) will take place on 28-29 April 2011 at Ecofys Germany in Cologne, Germany. The workshop will not only focus on climate economics, but on policy and energy related topics as well.

The ICP Ph.D. Workshop is organised twice per year under the auspices of the European Ph.D. Network on International Climate Policy. It has the aim to offer Ph.D. candidates the opportunity to present their research ideas and results, receive feedback, and exchange information and assistance with other peers, all in an informal setting. Ph.D. students from all disciplines working on topics relevant to climate policy are encouraged to submit applications.

There is no participation fee, but workshop participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation expenses.

To register for the workshop, please submit the application form by February 21st 2011 to . If you intend to present a paper, include an abstract, too.

This workshop is supported by Ecofys Germany.

We look forward to welcoming you in Cologne April!

The organising committee

Kjell Bettgenhäuser



Ecofys Germany GmbH

T: +49 (0)221 270 70 157

F: +49 (0)221 270 70 011

Am Wassermann 36 ¦ 50829 Köln ¦ Germany

E: I:

NASA climate teaching modules

Dear CEDD members,

Please inform your faculty that a CEDD team, funded by NASA, has developed 8 self-contained modules for undergraduate general education on climate change.  The modules  using NASA data and web materials   is presently available on the Encyclopedia of Earth.  They include:

NASA Time Machine

Climate Change Impacts on Colorado River water supply


Introduction to Remote Sensing Metrics

Advanced Topics in Remote Sensing

Ice Core Data

Recent Climate Change -

Climate Change and Wine

Educators will have access to a parallel web portal to assist in course development.  An additional web portal permits communication among students at participating institutions.  Online pre- and post-course assessments are available to determine student knowledge and attitudes about climate change. There are also online post-module assessments for each unit.  Instructors will obtain data from their institution and aggregate summaries.  Each unit has been tested at the author’s institution and we now are recruiting additional faculty members to utilize the materials in their classes.  This development was funded by a NASA Global Climate Change Education grant “Creation and Dissemination of an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate General Education Course on Climate Change NNX09AL64G.


The following link will allow you to access the webinar on using the NASA material.

For assistance, contact:

Andy Jorgensen, Department of Chemistry, University of Toledo,




Jenifer Jackson

CEDD/CEREL Program Coordinator

National Council for Science and the Environment

1101 17th Street NW, Suite 250

Washington, DC 20036

(202) 530-5810 x221