For those of you looking for an excellent piece confronting the most pervasive arguments of climate skeptics, Scientific American has published an excellent new piece: Rennie, Seven Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense, Nov. 30, 2009. The article responds to seven skeptic arguments:
- GHGs are too minor a part of the atmosphere to be driving warming;
- The alleged “hockey stick” graph of temperatures over the past 1600 has been disproven;
- Climate change stopped a decade ago;
- The sun or cosmic rays are likely the primary cause of warming;
- Climatologists conspire to hide the truth by denying others access to their datasets;
- Climatologists have a vested interest in being alarmists;
- Technological fixes, e.g. geoengineering would be a more viable and cost-beneficial way to address climate change than mitigation measures.
The online article also has hyperlinks to more detailed studies on many of these issues.
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