Call for Papers on the Ethics of SRM

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Christopher Preston <

Call for Papers on the Ethics of SRM.

Interest in the idea of deliberately altering the climate in order to
mitigate the worst effects of anthropogenic climate change has
recently accelerated dramatically. While there was a rush of books
and articles published in 2010 on geoengineering from a popular and a
scientific perspective, there has still been relatively little
published devoted to the ethical, legal, and social issues. Yet it is
widely acknowledged that these issues – rather than the scientific or
technical ones – may be the determining factors about whether or not
to proceed. To fill this gap, we are issuing a call for papers for an
anthology that will clearly and insightfully articulate the ethical
territory surrounding solar radiation management.

Topics being sought for the anthology include risk, precaution, and
uncertainty; social, procedural, and environmental justice; the moral
hazard and the technological fix; public trust in science;
environmental ethics; privatization and vested interests; the natural
and the artificial: public participation; vulnerable populations;
governance; and other topics. We are requesting 5000-8000 word
original contributions (single-authored or co-authored).

This will be a scholarly anthology. However, given the
interdisciplinary nature of the ethical, legal, and social issues, we
ask that you write in a style suitable for an engaged and multi-
disciplinary audience.

Please contact Christopher Preston ()
if you are interested in contributing. If you have colleagues or
friends also interested in these topics, please let them know about
the anthology and/or pass their names on to Christopher.

The deadline for submission is August 1st, 2011.

Climate Change and Current Evidence

Whilst the theory of climate change being caused by man’s industrial activity is new, what is not new is the fact that over many years climate does change. The history of the earth indicates many periods of climate change, either getting warmer, or getting colder. Continue reading

Call for Papers: Journal of Renewable Energy Law & Policy

Call for Papers: Renewable Energy Promotion in non-OECD countries

The Journal of Renewable Energy Law & Policy is welcoming abstracts for its upcoming issue scheduled for publication in June 2011.

The issue will feature a special section on Renewable Energy Promotion in non-OECD countries – abstracts on legal and policy aspects on this topic are especially welcome. The issue will be edited by the new Editor… Continue reading

WRI on Cancun Agreements

Another good summary of the progress made at COP16-Cancún is the World Resource’s Institute’s Reflections on the Cancún Agreements (7 pages)… Continue reading

Pew Center on Cancun

Instructors looking for an excellent summary of COP16/KP MOP6 in Cancun should check out the Pew Center on Global Climate Change’s six-page report

Interactive mapping of climate change impacts

Population Action International have put together an interactive mapping application showing the likely impact of climate change globally and regionally, with a number of variables to play with. There is a focus on the need for family planning, but it is a useful tool for getting students to think through what climate change may mean in the medium term. (Ireland seems to come out ahead on most projections… Continue reading

Tracking Corporate Climate Performance


I am pleased to announce today’s release of the fourth annual Climate Counts Company Scorecard.  Since 2007, has been scoring large, consumer-oriented companies on their efforts to address climate change. Despite continued challenges to make meaningful progress in Washington DC and Cancun/Copenhagen, many global companies are showing sustained commitment to demonstrating how voluntary reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and innovative, well-managed business go hand in hand.  We’ve… Continue reading

Assessing Climate NGOs

The Nature Publishing Group has launched a new journal devoted solely to climate change issues, appropriately  enough entitled Nature Climate Change. For those readers who don’t have a subscription to this publication, there are a set of really good “Research Highlights” that are currently free to view on the site. You can also sign up for free weekly e-alerts on the site. I think it’s critical for… Continue reading

IDLO / CISDL Legal Working Paper Series on Sustainable Development Law on Climate Change

The International Development Law Organisation (IDLO) and the Center for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) are pleased to present our 2010 Legal Working Paper Series on Sustainable Development Law on Climate Change. This Legal Working Paper Series gathers recent and updated works by IDLO Experts and CISDL Legal Researchers, addressing key issues for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP 16 negotiations:

* Freya Baetens, Foreign Investment… Continue reading

Climate Impacts on Working People

Instructors looking for some excellent “heat and eat” Power Point slides should take a look at the new Global Carbon Project’s presentation, Carbon Budget 2009. The presentation includes up to date information on carbon dioxide emissions trends, emissions of top contributors, the composition of emissions by sources, and the current status of sinks… Continue reading

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