Collaborative Research Project on State Resporting of GHG Emissions

Dear Climate-L readers,

As you are aware, Annex I parties submit their GHG inventories annually to the Secretariat; these are then checked by expert review teams. Whatever arrangement replaces Kyoto, this foundational process of reporting and review is expected to remain in place essentially unchanged. But how well have states responded to it? What administrative and legal models have been used to implement it? How transparent is the process at all levels? What compromises does it contain? How accurate and complete are the data coming out of it? I am seeking to establish a network of academics and practitioners to investigate these and related questions. Please let me know if you are interested and if you will be in Copenhagen. I will organize a startup workshop there to discuss project design, potential research projects, sources of funding, and organization.


Alexander Zahar
Climate Law (editor-in-chief)
Griffith Law School

Related posts:

  1. State Emissions Profiles and International Trade
  2. New EIA Report on Energy/Carbon Dioxide Emissions
  3. New IEA Projections of CO2 Emissions
  4. U.S. Energy-Related Emissions, 2010
  5. State of the Climate Report: 2009

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