Country Factsheets on Emissions, Etc.

For the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Ecofys prepared a series of country factsheets. The factsheets include greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, sectoral trends, emission reduction costs and climate policies for 61 countries as well as Annex I, the world and non Annex I. They are valuable references for the negotiations during the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. Additional to the regular factsheets a simplified version is available.

The factsheets are available for download from the Ecofys webpage:

Related posts:

  1. WRI Analysis of Annex I Emissions Reductions Pledges
  2. Ph.D. Workshop on International Climate Policy
  3. State Emissions Profiles and International Trade
  4. Collaborative Research Project on State Resporting of GHG Emissions
  5. UNEP and the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Gap

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