For those of you who follow climate geoengineering, and/or interesting international governance issues, the Stanford Journal of Law, Science & Policy has just published a special issue on climate geoengineering. The Table of Contents and the URL (open access) for the issue is listed below. wil
- Geoengineering Governance Systems, Gregory E. Wannier, Megan Herzog, & Darrell Atkinson;
- The Asilomar International Conference on Climate Intervention Technologies, Margaret Leinen;
- Considerations on Governance for Climate Remediation Technologies: Lessons from the “Ozone Hole”, Richard Benedick;
- The Limitations of Geoengineering Governance In A World of Uncertainty, Bidisha Banerjee;
- Climate Geoengineering, Solar Radiation Management and its Implications for Intergenerational Equity, William C.G. Burns
- Geoengineering and the Myth of Unilateralism: Pressures and Prospects for International Cooperation, Joshua B. Horton
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