Online climate conference

4th on-line Climate Conference deals with Climate Change and Disasters Management

Climate 2011, the 4th on-line Climate Conference, deals with the topic of
“Climate Change and Disasters Management”. A set of scientific papers and
chats around this important issue will be available from the 7th to 12th November
2011. Participation at the on-line event, organised by the International Climate Change
Information Programme (ICCIP – in cooperation with key agencies
such as UNEP, UNESCO, WMO, GIZ, IDRC, ICIMOD, UNITAR and many others, is free of charges and offers a unique
opportunity to gain valuable insights into a matter of great concern to both
industrialised and developing nations. Take part at the event:

Related posts:

  1. International Climate Change Information Programme Launch
  2. Papers from Yale/UNITAR Conference on Environmental Governance and Democracy
  3. UNITAR Yale Conference
  4. Asilomar Conference on Climate Geoengineering
  5. World Climate Teach-In Day in June

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