SDLP: Call for Papers

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UPDATE:  SDLP is still accepting submissions for the Climate Law Reporter and will accept submissions past the January 11 deadline IF we have prior notice that the paper will be submitted.

Please find SDLP’s call for papers for the annual Winter Climate Law Reporter below and attached as a PDF.  Our staff thought you might be interested in contributing to our upcoming issue.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions and to forward this email widely if you know others that might be interested in contributing.

Thank you,

Addie Haughey and Blake M. Mensing


Sustainable Development Law & Policy 




Topic: Climate Law Reporter

Sustainable Development Law and Policy (“SDLP”) is currently accepting submissions for its Winter 2010 Climate Law Reporter, focusing on the latest advancements in climate law. If you would like to submit an article for consideration, please send your paper or a summary of your topic to . The deadline for final papers is January 11, 2010. SDLP’s Climate Law Reporter is produced every year and provides a forum for practitioners to discuss the legal, social, and political currents in climate law. Ideal topics include, but are not limited to:

• UNFCCC Copenhagen negotiations,

• climate and the Obama administration,

• climate change and the Clean Air Act,

• carbon regulation and trading,

• climate change litigation,

• regional climate initiatives,

• voluntary carbon reduction programs,

• human rights and climate,

• climate change and national security,

• and more . . ..

SDLP aims to represent a range of viewpoints, including those from academia, the private sector, public sector, multilateral organizations, and others. Please view our recent issues at

Requirements for Submissions:

• Articles or abstracts should be submitted to .

• Articles must be no longer than 15 pages (double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman print).

• Articles should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or a Word-compatible software program.

• All articles should attempt to follow the format presented in previous issues of SDLP. This includes an introduction, which outlines the rest of the article, and a conclusion. Please refer to recent issues for examples.

• Please provide complete citations to every fact, opinion, statement, and quote that is not your original idea. Complete citations include: the name and author of the cited document, title of publication or publisher, date of publication, relevant page numbers, and specific website address. SDLP uses Bluebook format for all citations.

• We encourage the submission of photographs and graphics to accompany your article. Please send proof of permission to use others’ images.

• Please include a 3-4 sentence biography of yourself and indicate whether you would like your email address included with the published article.

We reserve the right to reject submissions and hold all submissions on file for later publication. We also reserve the right to revise your submission and/or cut text. You will have the opportunity to accept or reject any revisions. SDLP accepts submission of timely articles that have already been published elsewhere, so long as permission of the previous publisher is received.

SDLP is available online at LexisNexis, Westlaw, VLex and Hein Online and is widely distributed throughout the Washington, DC community, law and graduate schools, and to representatives of international organizations worldwide. You can also view the .pdf versions of recent SDLP issues at our website

Sustainable Development Law & Policy
American University Washington College of Law
4801 Massachusetts Ave., NW | Suite 631 | Washington, D.C. 20016
T: 202/274-4057 | E:

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