Call for Articles: UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy

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As we pick up our lives and work in the aftermath of Copenhagen, many of us are trying to distill the impact and implications of the conference.  While a number of you have contributed thoughtful pieces on COP 15 through your organizations, we at the Journal of Environmental Law and Policy (JELP) at the UCLA School of Law would like to put out a call for post-Copenhagen submissions for our Spring 2010 issue.  JELP is a premiere legal journal covering a variety of timely environmental policy and legal issues.  Our Spring 2009 issue focused on US state climate policy and included articles from leading policy-makers in the field.  In light of the world’s attention to Copenhagen and the uncertain impacts and opportunities resulting from the conference, we would like to open the forum for thoughtful examination of the challenges, failures, successes and future direction of climate policy.  Articles should be between 20-40 pages in length and include footnotes, but we are open to a variety of disciplines and formats.  

Please submit your article to with the subject “Post-Copenhagen” and include your contact information and CV if possible.

Thank you for your engagement and best of luck with your work.


Alexa Engelman & Maya Kuttan

Chief Articles Editors

Journal of Environmental Law & Policy

UCLA School of Law

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  2. SDLP: Call for Articles
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  4. SDLP: Call for Papers
  5. Harvard Online Course post-Copenhagen

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