Interesting article on China and Clean Tech

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed.Green China: Friend Or Foe?
Date: 13-Jan-10
Country: US
Author: Greener World Media
Barely a week goes by without new evidence of the greening of China. This is great news for the planet — but some people say it’s bad for the U.S.
Are they right to worry?
What [...]

Climate Photos Available

I am happy to announce the beginning of a new feature on World View of Global Warming’s website — “CLIMATE PHOTO of the WEEK”
Each Monday we will post an image relating to, illustrating and expanding on climate science and events, including new photos from our continuing coverage of climate change. 
We hope these will [...]

Another take on Copenhagen

On the Copenhagen Discord
Posted by: “TotoPurz” [email protected]   rebohan
Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:53 am (PST)
Notes from Bernarditas Muller, a Coordinator of G77+China in the Climate Negotiations
The conspiracy
began in Bali, where, after a two-year long-term dialogue for cooperative action which was agreed not to result in negotiations, the Bali Action Plan was hatched by a selected group [...]