Call for Papers: Development and CC Ethics

This is a call for papers for a conference that the Rock Ethics Institute at Penn State University is organizing to be held at Penn State University on April 15 and 16, 2010 on “Integrating Development and Climate Change Ethics.”  Those interested in presenting a paper should submit an abstract and a two page CV by October 30, 2010. Because climate change can adversely affect the ability of human development prospects and climate change policies should take into account human development needs, there is a need to integrate climate change and human development ethics. This conference will explore the linkages between climate change ethics and human development ethics. For more information on the call for papers see:

For information on the conference see:

Donald A. Brown
Associate Professor Environmental Ethics, Science, and Law, Penn State University
Director Pennsylvania Environmental Research Consortium,
Director,Collaborative Program on Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change
201A Old Botany
University Park, Pa, 16802
717-802-1009 (cell); 814-865-3371 (office)

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