Low Emissions Webinar

Dear Colleagues,

The Coordinated Low Emissions Assistance Network (CLEAN) will be offering a free webinar to share experiences on low emissions development planning, approaches, and methodologies. We invite all officials and experts interested in preparation of low emission development plans to attend. It will be held on September 29, 2010 from 15:30-17:00 Central European Time and will feature the following presenters:

·      Ms. Jane Ebinger, Sr. Energy Specialist, World Bank; Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)
·      Dr. Juan Mata, Mexico’s Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)
·      Ms. Sadie Cox, International Analyst, US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Presenters will provide an overview of their respective low emissions planning activities including ESMAP’s Knowledge Products for Low-Carbon Development, Mexico’s Special Program on Climate Change (PECC) and NREL’s DOE supported generalized methodology and toolkit for low emission development strategies. Following the presentations, a discussion and Q&A session will be held. We hope that participants will be able to provide insightful feedback on low emissions planning needs in developing countries during this discussion.

This webinar is the first in a series of CLEAN webinars that will be provided on low emissions planning topics. The recorded webinar archive and information on future webinars will be posted online to the OpenEI CLEAN wiki site at http://openei.org/CLEAN. If you are interested in attending the webinar or participating in future webinars as either a participant or speaker please contact Samuel Tobin at [email protected].

Access Information
Web Access
1. Go to https://mmancusa.webex.com/mmancusa/j.php?ED=139054997&UID=1134117412&PW=NZDM1Y2Q5NTU0&RT=MiM2
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password: clean
4. Click “Join Now”.
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

Teleconference Audio Access

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USA                                                           1-517-466-2232                           866-692-3582

ARGENTINA                                                                                              0800-777-0515
AUSTRALIA                    ADELAIDE:                        61-8-8121-4883                           1-800-659-380
AUSTRALIA                    BRISBANE:                        61-7-3102-0985                           1-800-659-380
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AUSTRALIA                    PERTH:                           61-8-9467-5264                           1-800-659-380
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CZECH REPUBLIC                                                420-2-25-98-56-73                        800-700-235
DENMARK                                                       45-7014-0300                                   8088-8304
ESTONIA                                                       800-011-1129
FINLAND                    Land Line:                        106-33-205                               0-800-9-14607
FINLAND                    Mobile:                           09-106-33-205                            0-800-9-14607
FRANCE                     LYON:                             33-4-26-69-12-99                         080-563-6110
FRANCE                     MARSEILLE:                        33-4-86-06-00-99                         080-563-6110
FRANCE                      PARIS:                            33-1-76-74-24-94                         080-563-6110
GERMANY                                                       49-69-2222-4873                          0800-664-4254
GREECE                                                        30-80-1-100-0698                         00800-12-7310
HONG KONG                                                     852-3001-3859                            800-933-921
HUNGARY                                                       06-800-13830
INDIA                      INDIA A:                          000-800-852-1264
INDIA                      INDIA B:                          000-800-001-6236
INDONESIA                                                     001-803-011-3973
IRELAND                                                       353-1-247-5678                                 1800-992-935
ISRAEL                                                        1-80-9216159
ITALY                                                         39-02-3600-6016                          800-986-993
JAPAN                      OSAKA:                            81-6-7739-4783                                 0066-33-132424
JAPAN                      TOKYO:                            81-3-5539-5187                                 0066-33-132424
LATVIA                                                                                                 8000-3063
LUXEMBOURG                                                    352-27-000-1384
MALAYSIA                                                                                               1-800-81-3069
MEXICO                                                                                                 001-866-295-6360
NETHERLANDS                                                   31-20-718-8596                           0800-023-1812
NEW ZEALAND                                                   64-9-970-4767                            0800-450-789
NORWAY                                                        47-21-590-072                            800-15308
PANAMA                                                                                                 011-001-800-5072111
PERU                                                                                                         0800-53721
PHILIPPINES                                                   63-2-858-3753
POLAND                                                                                                 00-800-1212569
PORTUGAL                                                                                               8008-14054
RUSSIA                                                                                                 8-10-8002-0114011
SINGAPORE                                                     65-6883-9226                             800-120-4675
SLOVAK REPUBLIC                                               421-2-322-422-39
SOUTH AFRICA                                                                                           080-09-80424
SOUTH KOREA                                                   82-2-6744-1079                           00798-14800-7189
SPAIN                                                         34-91-414-25-40                          800-300-060
SWEDEN                                                        46-8-566-19-397                          0200-884-614
SWITZERLAND                                                   41-44-580-6402                           0800-120-039
TAIWAN                                                        886-2-2795-7375                          00801-137-796
THAILAND                                                                                               001-800-1206-66050
UK                        BIRMINGHAM:                         44-121-210-9039                          0808-238-6019
UK                        GLASGOW:                            44-141-202-3239                          0808-238-6019
UK                        LEEDS:                              44-113-301-2139                          0808-238-6019
UK                        LONDON:                             44-20-3043-2499                          0808-238-6019
UK                        MANCHESTER:                         44-161-601-1439                          0808-238-6019
URUGUAY                                                       000-413-598-3460
USA                                                           1-517-466-2232                           866-692-3582
VENEZUELA                                                                                              0800-1-00-3782

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  5. Free Webinar on Copenhagen

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