National Teach-In Conference Calls


From Professor Eban Goodstein at Bard College, New York:

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Unchecked, global warming will reach a catastrophic 10 degrees F during the lifetime of today’s students. That is the grim conclusion of recent studies by MIT and the UKs Hadley Centre. Is it too late to “save the planet?”
This Wednesday at 3 PM Eastern, join Dr. Stephen Schneider of Stanford University for a half-hour update on the state of the science, and what it means for the future. Call in number is 1-712-432-3100, Conference Code: 253385.
Dr. Schneider will address these questions:
* What are the major changes in climate science in the last three years?
* Is long run climate sensitivity much higher than 3 degrees C?
* Are the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets more sensitive then we thought to even 3 degrees C?
* Are these bleak models generating a new consensus about how bad BAU is likely to be? If so, what does all this mean for policy?
Schneider’s talk is part of the The National Climate Seminar a bi-weekly, phone conversation featuring top climate scientists, political leaders, and policy analysts. Two weeks from now, on October 7th, Bill McKibben will join the call. Later in the term: the Honorable Edward Markey, Hunter Lovins, Andy Revkin and others. Click here for seminar details.
Following the half-an-hour seminar, stay on the line for a discussion of the International 350 Teach-In, happening throughout the fall. The key idea: before Copenhagen, get representatives from the office of your US Senators to campus, to talk about global warming solutions. This is the year that the world decides. Join the call to learn more about how to engage your community in this critical debate.
Thanks for your ongoing work engaging students and citizens. And please, do register your own views with your your US Senators, every week.
Professor Eban Goodstein,
Director National Teach-In on Global Warming Solutions

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