October 3, 2012 Workshop in Paris- How can Grids protect and enhance the Environment?

The Renewables-Grid-Initiative is hosting workshop on “How can Grids protect and enhance the Environment? Implementing the European Grid Declaration”.

The meeting takes place in 3 October 2012 in Paris. The agenda is found at http://renewables-grid.eu/uploads/media/RGI_Workshop_Implementing_the_EGD_Programme_14.9.pdf

Adjunct Professor Muir will be presenting on marine aspects of the offshore electricity grid infrastructure This is the first time that marine aspect of the Grid Declaration (an agreement between trasmission service operator and environmental organizations) is being considered.

Workshop speakers include:
Chair: Antonella Battaglini, RGI
• Michel Badré, French Environmental Authority
• Loretta Boman, OFGEM, UK
• András Demeter, DG Environment, EU Commission
• Nick Droy, RSPB
• Ric Eales, Collingwood Environmental Planning
• Katja Horenk, 50Hertz Transmission
• Elodie Jaussaud, RTE
• Sébastien Lépy, ENTSO-E
• Magdalena Muir, Coastal & Marine Union
• Clémence Salvaudon, French Museum for Natural History
• Ivan Scrase, RSPB
• Frauke Thies, EPIA
• Jean Verseille, RTE

Registration is available at:


The environmental impact of grids has previously been discussed in prior activities, also available on the RGI website:
- The European Grid Declaration with new signatories.
- The European Grid Conference where the Declaration was signed and handed over to Energy Commissioner Oettinger (November 2011, Brussels)
- The documentation of the last RGI workshop on The Need for Grids (June 2012, Hannover).
- The documentation of the first RGI workshop on Environmental Impacts of Grids (June 2011, Glasgow).

Related posts:

  1. Release of 2012 edition of the REN21 Renewables Global Status Report
  2. Ph.D. Workshop on International Climate Policy
  3. Ph.D Workshop on Climate Change
  4. Renewable energy presentation delivered at Nigeria at UMYU – CERER Renewable Energy 2012 Conference
  5. Climate Governance Workshop
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About Magdalena A. K. Muir

Magdalena AK Muir, B.A., J.D., LL.M. is Adjunct Professor at John Hopkins University, where she teaches on offshore wind, ocean energy and offshore grid infrastructure marine in the Masters of Science- Energy Policy and Climate program. Magdalena is Associate Professor, Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, and participates in the Nordic Centre of Excellence for Strategic Adaptation Research (NCoE NORD-STAR) on adaptation to climate changes in Scandinavia and the Arctic. She is a Research Associate with Arctic Institute of North America, a bi-national research institution based at the University of Calgary, and teaches on international energy issues at this university. She is a member of the Law Society of Alberta and is a practicing barrister and solicitor with International Energy, Environment and Legal Services Ltd.. For the Arctic, Magdalena collaborates with the University of the Arctic and the Centre for the North Roundtable of the Conference Board of Canada, and is a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. . Since 2004, Magdalena is Advisory Board Member, Climate with the Coastal and Marine Union (EUCC), leading their engagement on sustainable energy development in Europe, including offshore wind and ocean energy and grid infrastucture. She is active on European climate adaptation and mitigation policy, and in the QualityCoast global programme for sustainable tourism destination criteria. Further information on these EUCC activities are found on the EUCC webpage entitled: Articles and Presentations on Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change for Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Energy and Water (http://www.eucc.net/en/climate_change/index.htm). Dr. Muir has the following research projects, which are implemented in cooperation with the AINA, John Hopkins University, Duke University, Aarhus University and the NCoE NORD-STAR. - Adaptation Governance for Global and Climate Change in the Circumpolar Arctic - Arctic Resource Development and Climate Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation - Beaufort Sea Project for Climate Change: Impact and Adaptation to Climate Change for Fish and Marine Mammals in the Canadian Beaufort Sea - Changing Oceans in a Changing World - The Circum-Arctic Health Project : Northern & Remote Community Health & Resilience Considering Economic & Environmental Changes - Parallels for Arctic and Antarctica Governance and Resource Management - Sustainable Energy Development - Sustainable Tourism See http://www.arctic.ucalgary.ca/research for further information on these projects

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