Presentation, Nexus of Climate Change and Trade Policies

On March 14, Joshua Meltzer of the Brookings Institution made a presentation in our program’s EPC Forum Series, on the nexus of climate change and trade policy, with a focus on the European Union’s new Aviation Directive, which extends the EU Emissions Trading Scheme to aviation activities. The presentation is now available on JHU’s You Tube channel:

Dr. Wil Burns, Associate Director

Master of Science – Energy Policy & Climate Program

Johns Hopkins University

1717 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Room 104J

Washington, DC  20036

650.281.9126 (Mobile)

202.452.8713 (Fax)

SSRN site (selected publications):

Skype ID: Wil.Burns

Teaching Climate/Energy Law & Policy Blog:


Related posts:

  1. Great Power Point presentation on cap and trade
  2. Video Presentation on the Smart Grid and Regulation in the United States
  3. IEA Databases of Policies and Measures
  4. Unitar Course on Climate Change and Trade
  5. Webinar on Misconceptions about Climate Change

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