Poor science, poor policy?

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In order to properly understand climate change law, it is important to understand the science on which the policy is based. If the science is incomplete, compromised or confused, the resulting policy is also likely to be low quality. In recent times, there have been a number of interesting articles about how interest groups (both environmentalists and industry) seek to influence the policy-making process in order to advance their own agenda. This may be leading to a distortion of the policy-making process. Here is one example, discussing the recent “Climategate” controversy and other events, which could be a starting point for a good discussion of the resulting flaws in the final legislative process.

Related posts:

  1. M.S. in Climate Science & Policy, Bard College
  2. UN/DESA Policy Brief: Reaching a Climate Deal in Copenhagen
  3. Climate Change policy contains the seed of its own doom, critics say.
  4. Participatory Learning in Climate Change Law Policy, Part 1
  5. Call for Articles: UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy

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