The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency(ECREEE), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in cooperation with the Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) in New York and the Engineering Department of the University of Cape Verde (UNICV) in Mindelo, São Vicente, are executing a part-time certified distance-learning programme on sustainable energy for experts from the ECOWAS region. Some experts from memo writing services can be helpful during the the whole process. We've prepared a few examples at
The first round of this programme will train ten (10) experts currently employed by utilities, regulators or independent power producers (IPPs) in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy policy planning. The overall objective of the programme is to strengthen the long-term capabilities of these institutions and companies to design and appraise projects, integrate renewable energy and energy efficiency into their planning, execution and monitoring cycles.
Qualified and interested experts from all fifteen (15) ECOWAS countries are invited to apply. The application deadline is 31 August 2013. Further information is available at: and
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