An excellent resource for teaching a module on climate geoengineering is a set of video presentations prepared by the Center for Ethics at the University of Montana, some pursuant to its recently held conference on the ethics of Solar Radiation Management (SRM) geoengineering schemes. The speakers provide an excellent interview of SRM geoengineering science, as well as ethical issues associated with potential deployment.
Call for Papers on the Ethics of SRM
Christopher Preston <
Call for Papers on the Ethics of SRM.
Interest in the idea of deliberately altering the climate in order to
mitigate the worst effects of anthropogenic climate change has
recently accelerated dramatically. While there was a rush of books
and articles published in 2010 on geoengineering from a popular and a
scientific perspective, there has still been relatively little
published devoted to the ethical, legal, and social issues. Yet it is
widely acknowledged that these issues – rather than the scientific or
technical ones – may be the determining factors about whether or not
to proceed. To fill this gap, we are issuing a call for papers for an
anthology that will clearly and insightfully articulate the ethical
territory surrounding solar radiation management.
Topics being sought for the anthology include risk, precaution, and
uncertainty; social, procedural, and environmental justice; the moral
hazard and the technological fix; public trust in science;
environmental ethics; privatization and vested interests; the natural
and the artificial: public participation; vulnerable populations;
governance; and other topics. We are requesting 5000-8000 word
original contributions (single-authored or co-authored).
This will be a scholarly anthology. However, given the
interdisciplinary nature of the ethical, legal, and social issues, we
ask that you write in a style suitable for an engaged and multi-
disciplinary audience.
Please contact Christopher Preston ()
if you are interested in contributing. If you have colleagues or
friends also interested in these topics, please let them know about
the anthology and/or pass their names on to Christopher.
The deadline for submission is August 1st, 2011.
Climate Change and Current Evidence
EDITOR’S NOTE: We are being spammed by articles from a source called “E-zine,” including this piece. We’re trying to figure out how to stop it.
The people who are the most vocal about man-made global warming are the very same people who cannot elaborate on the scanty evidence produced so far. These Alarmists are not prepared to give their opinions on climate change events that have happened in the past. All they seem to be interested in is spreading mass hysteria.
It’s unanimously agreed by the scientific community that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old and during that time, it’s undergone at least 12, and possibly 14 major periods of climate change. In addition to this there has been numerous minor changes to the earth’s climate.
Past periods of climate change
Whilst most of this information has come from sophisticated scientific investigation involving many branches of science, some of the minor climatic changes have occurred within the life-time of man on earth and have been recorded during history.
The existence of these periods of climate change is not in doubt; what is open to conjecture are the causes.
On this, the Alarmists remain mute: they are sure that mans’ industrial activity is the cause of any climate change taking place at the moment, but would have to concede that power stations and motor cars could not have caused the start of a period of climate change 5,000 years ago.
In 1991 the body of a man was found in the European Alps in the border regions of Austria and Italy. He was determined to have died about 5,000 years ago whilst crossing the Alps. Now for a person to have attempted to cross the Alps would indicate that firstly crossing the mountain range was a possibility and known to man at that time, and secondly that the feat was made possible by the absence of snow and glaciers.
Now move forward 2800 years to about 200BCE and the first recorded history of an event involving crossing the Alps took place. That was Hannibal’s crossing of the Alps with an army, including elephants, to wage war on the Roman Empire. This event was clearly documented at the time and is acknowledged to have taken place.
At the time of Hannibal’s efforts, the snowline of the Alps was thought to be in the region of 1,800 meters to 2,000 meters. Until recently the Alpine snowline was approximately 1,500 meters. What this means is that in modern times the level above the sea at which snow falls and lies on the ground is about 300 to 500 meters lower than when Hannibal achieved his feat. The reason for this is clear – in Hannibal’s time and the centuries earlier going back to 3,000 BCE the air temperature was considerably warmer that it is today.
The world’s climate has changed over the past 5,000 years. What’s caused this change? Is it the result of Mother Nature or God?
Recent periods of climate change
Let’s now move to more recent times and look at the recorded history of events that took place in London.
Between 1660 and 1820 is was quite a common occurrence for the river Thames to freeze over. Not every year perhaps, but certainly enough for people at that time to make comments. Since then the Thames has rarely been frozen, certainly never in recent memory. So the question is: what caused the warming of the air from 1820 onwards?
At the same period of time from 1660, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia was subject to stress caused by a drought that lasted 20 years from 1660. Coral has characteristics not unlike that of trees. Rings in a piece of sliced coral tell the story of events long ago. A piece of coral collected off the coast of northern Australia has recently been examined and it shows the effects of drought in the region. Lack of fresh water, and therefore the absences of nutrients, coming from the nearby rivers would affect the growth of the coral and would be noticed in examining the rings.
In the years since then the reef has made a full recovery, although it may be suffering now.
The Alarmists point to the decline in coral reefs as an example of global warming, but ignore the fact that Mother Nature has the remarkable capacity to overcome its setbacks.
The history of the world has countless stories of events that happened long ago that could not happen now.
The original inhabitants of Australia came from SE Asia via a continuous land mass leading from the Malay peninsula, through Indonesia, New Guinea, and into northern Australia.
The original inhabitants of north America are thought to have entered the area about 10,000 years ago via the then ice-free Bering Straits. That feat couldn’t be achieved today. Likewise the original inhabitants of the UK are thought to have come from Europe via the land mass that is now covered by the English Channel.
So in relation to these events, it would seem that global warming took place and that the world-wide sea level rose covering these routes.
And the most likely causes of these major changes are the Almighty, or Mother Nature.
That being the case in ages gone by, how could today’s global warming (if indeed it’s taking place) be caused by man?
This is an attempt to put some balance into the ongoing international controversy that is the theory of man-made climate change.
Like most people, the author takes a keen interest in the world-wide controversy of climate change and global warming, and the alleged effect this will have on life on earth. He also takes an interest in more mundane issues such as hoodia diet pills and the increasing popularity of Dish Network satellite TV
Author: Gareth Black
Article Source:
Home care
Call for Papers: Journal of Renewable Energy Law & Policy
Call for Papers: Renewable Energy Promotion in non-OECD countries
The Journal of Renewable Energy Law & Policy is welcoming abstracts for its upcoming issue scheduled for publication in June 2011.
The issue will feature a special section on Renewable Energy Promotion in non-OECD countries – abstracts on legal and policy aspects on this topic are especially welcome. The issue will be edited by the new Editor, Dominic Marcellino.
The Journal of Renewable Energy Law and Policy provides a platform for review and discussion, both in Europe and internationally, of the legal and policy issues surrounding renewable energy. The journal reports on the dynamic and quickly changing developments taking place in Europe and around the world in the renewable energy sector, from bio-energy, solar and wind power to developing technologies like fuel cells and nuclear fusion.
Contributions should address regulatory and policy aspects relating to renewable energy, including, but not limited to:
1. Promotion of renewables: e.g. financial, tax, and other incentives to encourage renewables; the evolving relationship of policies, programmes and projects;
2. Challenges: e.g. technical, economic, policy, legal, and other (NIMBY, etc.) issues impeding the installation of renewable energy;
3. Cross-cutting issues: e.g. the interplay of renewable and climate policies; development policy and renewables; energy security and renewables; and consumer issues, like electricity prices and renewables.
4. Case Studies: role of national legal frameworks, international comparative studies, successful contractual arrangements, etc.
Abstracts should be sent to by 14 January 2011. Authors will be informed by 28 January 2011 on the outcome of the initial review process. Final manuscripts will be due by 4 March 2011.
In order to ensure quick turnaround and policy relevance, articles should be concise, ranging from 2.500-4.500 words in length. Commentaries on recent judicial decisions, new legislation, and other developments can range from 1.500 to 2.500 words.
The Journal of Renewable Energy Law & Policy is published on a quarterly basis under the guidance of a distinguished editorial board. The journal brings together representatives from the legal discipline and other stakeholders in one specialized journal, allowing them to engage in a dynamic debate on the policies and laws of climate change. For further details on the journal and an archive of past issues, please visit the website at:
For further information on the editorial process, submissions on other topics or general questions relating to the journal, kindly contact the editor at . Please feel free to forward this call for papers to interested colleagues.
Apologies for cross-posting.
With sincere regards,
Dominic Marcellino
on behalf of the editorial board
WRI on Cancun Agreements
Another good summary of the progress made at COP16-Cancún is the World Resource’s Institute’s Reflections on the Cancún Agreements (7 pages).
Pew Center on Cancun
Instructors looking for an excellent summary of COP16/KP MOP6 in Cancun should check out the Pew Center on Global Climate Change’s six-page report.
Interactive mapping of climate change impacts
Population Action International have put together an interactive mapping application showing the likely impact of climate change globally and regionally, with a number of variables to play with. There is a focus on the need for family planning, but it is a useful tool for getting students to think through what climate change may mean in the medium term. (Ireland seems to come out ahead on most projections, but not everywhere will be so lucky.)
Tracking Corporate Climate Performance
I am pleased to announce today’s release of the fourth annual Climate Counts Company Scorecard. Since 2007, has been scoring large, consumer-oriented companies on their efforts to address climate change. Despite continued challenges to make meaningful progress in Washington DC and Cancun/Copenhagen, many global companies are showing sustained commitment to demonstrating how voluntary reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and innovative, well-managed business go hand in hand. We’ve announced updated scores for 90 companies (in 12 sectors, representing approximately 3000 brands), and overall scores are up 14% from last year. For the first time, the average overall score exceeds 50 points (on a 100 point scale), up from a 31-point average in 2007.
We’re also pleased this year to additionally acknowledge 21 companies that have actively supported efforts to pass comprehensive climate and energy legislation and/or reach a binding international agreement on climate.
The release and scores summary are attached (release also appears below). Please visit or our Facebook page to learn more.
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Climate action = 21st century business innovation
Assessing Climate NGOs
The Nature Publishing Group has launched a new journal devoted solely to climate change issues, appropriately enough entitled Nature Climate Change. For those readers who don’t have a subscription to this publication, there are a set of really good “Research Highlights” that are currently free to view on the site. You can also sign up for free weekly e-alerts on the site. I think it’s critical for law students and graduate policy students to spend some time grappling with climate science, and while some of the articles in Nature Climate Change may be a bit difficult for non-scientists, it’s a good way for students to develop at least a rudimentary understanding of these issues, which is critical if they are to be effective in helping to formulate realistic solutions or in training others to do so.
IDLO / CISDL Legal Working Paper Series on Sustainable Development Law on Climate Change
The International Development Law Organisation (IDLO) and the Center for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) are pleased to present our 2010 Legal Working Paper Series on Sustainable Development Law on Climate Change. This Legal Working Paper Series gathers recent and updated works by IDLO Experts and CISDL Legal Researchers, addressing key issues for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP 16 negotiations:
* Freya Baetens, Foreign Investment Law and Climate Change: Legal Conflicts Arising from Implementing the Kyoto Protocol through Private Investment.
* Sébastien Jodoin, Rights-Based Framework for Climate Finance.
* Sarah A. Mason-Case and Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, International Law and Climate Finance.
* Benoît Mayer, International Law and Climate migrants.
* Frederic Perron-Welch, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation: Mexico’s Solution for Offsetting Emissions while Respecting Indigenous and Local Community Rights.
* Josh Roberts, Linking Climate Change with Biodiversity-Related Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
* Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger and Markus Gehring, Trade and Investment Implication of Carbon Trading for Sustainable Development.
* Sean Stephenson, Making Jobs Work: The Right to Work, Jobs and Green Structural Change.
* Dr. Charlotte Streck, How Climate Change can Catalyze Sustainable Land-Management.
* Verki Michael Tunteng, Legal Aspects of Climate Change Policy.
* Patricia Parkinson and Dr. Andrew Wardell, Legal Frameworks to Support REDD Pro-Poor Outcomes.
These papers are available at