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For instructors in climate change courses that like to include multi-media presentations in their lectures or readings, I would suggest checking out The focus of the site is interviews with policymakers, academics and members of the NGO community on issues associated with international climate change negotiations and climate science, including the COPs, the Ad-Hoc Working Groups, the IPCC, and the subsidiary bodies of the UNFCCC. The site also includes a powerful search engine that allows you to search by keywords in the interview archives.

These are the kind of materials that can help make climate change negotiations come alive for students. Moreover, many of the interviews can be extremely helpful if your class includes a simulated negotiation exercise, as the students can obtain insights into the negotiating perspectives of many parties that they might not be able to find anywhere else.

Related posts:

  1. New Version of the Climate “Building” Illustration
  2. Climate Change Photographs
  3. Participatory Learning in Climate Change Law, Part 2
  4. Climate Interactive Scorecard on the Copenhagen Accord

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